II Ogólnopolska Konferencja Systemów Rol…
W dniu 25 stycznia 2019 roku w Szkole Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie odbędzie się II Ogólnopolska Konferencja Systemów Rolno-leśnych pt. "Perspektywy rozwoju systemów rolno-leśnych (agroleśnictwa) w Polsce". Podczas wydarzenia zostaną...
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FACCE SURPLUS end-term meeting
SustainFARM team participated at the FACCE SURPLUS end-term meeting in Dusseldorf, Germany (6th to 8th November 2018). The event gave the opprtunity to present the project results by coordinator Bhim...
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4th Partner Meeeting in Poland
SustainFARM partners meet on 5th-6th September 2017 at IUNG-PIB in Puławy, Poland.
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3rd Partner Meeting, Italy
SustainFARM partners meet on 29th-31st March 2017 at CNR in Porano, Italy.
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2nd Partner Meeting, UK
Our second partner meeting was held on 28th September at The Organic Research Centre in UK.
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FACCE SURPLUS Kick-off meeting
SustainFARM project has been presented on 13th September 2016 at FACCE SURPLUS Kick-off meeting and Biorefining Workshop in Denmark.
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SustainFARM Kick-off meeting, Copenhagen
The meeting was held on 7th and 8th March 2016 at Copenhagen University.
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